Welcome to UA Local 51 Plumbers, Pipefitters, HVAC's.


shapeUA Local 51


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IAPMO for MA Plumbers Only

5/3/2025 @ 7:00 AM
11 Hemingway Dr, East Providence RI 02915

IAPMO is for Mass Plumbers only.


IAPMO Session #17


7:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Please arrive by 6:45 AM)

UA Local 51

11 Hemingway Dr, East Providence, RI 02915


Register through the IAPMO website. If you have never created for an account with IAPMO, you will need to do so before you can sign up for the class.

Pre-Registration: Create an account


Select “Register Now” and follow the instructions.


Register for Session 17



Select “UA Members Only Classes”

Select “Choose Session” on Massachusetts Session 17 Continuing Education - Plumbers

Select Session 17 scheduled for May 3 at UA Local 51 by clicking the shopping cart icon that appears when you hover the mouse over “MAY 3”.




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