Welcome to UA Local 51 Plumbers, Pipefitters, HVAC's.

51 Officers

shapeUA Local 51

Officers of East Providence, RI

shapeLocal 51

Business Manager

UA Local 51 Officer

Paul Alvarez

Business Manager/FST

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Business Agents/Organizer

UA Local 51 Officer

John McMullen

Business Agent
UA Local 51 Officer

Bill DeMello Jr.

Business Agent
UA Local 51 Officer

Darrel Price


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President- Paul Adamonis
Vice President- Edward Keenen
Recording Secretary- Matthew Day
Inside Guard- Michael O’Mara

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Executive Board

Steven Affonso
Kevin Carvalho
James Raposa
Matthew Tetreault

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Finance Committee

Bill Ball
Dylan Raposa
Lance Smith

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Examining Board

Alfred Caron