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Scholastic Merit Award Program


The SMA 2025-2026 application for the Scholastic Merit Award Program is now available as an online application.

The Scholastic Merit Award Program is sponsored by New England mechanical contracting industry improvement fund. its purpose is to make funds for higher education available to the children of both labor and management employees of the mechanical contracting industry. the fund will award a number of one-time scholastic merit awards in the amount of $2,000. the top winner in the high school labor/management category will be awarded the Casey Memorial Award of $2,500. winners must attend an accredited post-secondary institution in the United States, as full-time students, and may select any course of study. Whether or not you are selected, you may reapply for this scholarship annually up until your junior year of college.


Eligibility- any children whose parent is an active journeyman member of a participating local union, and on whose behalf, contributions are currently being made by an employer to the New England mechanical contracting industry improvement fund. Children must be planning to attend college in the fall or are currently a freshman, sophomore, or junior in college, are eligible to apply for this scholastic merit award. deadline to apply is April 4, 2025.


Please use the link below to apply online.



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