Welcome to UA Local 51 Plumbers, Pipefitters, HVAC's.

Training at UA Local 51

shapeUA Local 51

Training Center

Our state of the art training center, continuing education for journeymen and commitment to safety on-the-job are second to none.

Our members undergo five years of extensive classroom and on-the-job training before they become journeymen plumbers.

In fact we require, 248 classroom hours and 10,000 on the job hours, far above what is required for licensing in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

All Local 51 training is a benefit of union membership with no extra cost to the member.

Steve Affonso
Apprentice Training Coordinator


Al Caron
Assistant Apprentice Training Coordinator

Local 51 and every UA journeyman can proudly claim any job they work on will be Done Once, Done Right due to the rigorous 5-year training regimen we require of each and every apprentice, and commitment to continuing education of our membership.

Our members can be assured of a secure future because of their in-depth industry knowledge and experience, and our management contractors can assure their clients work preformed by UA members is the best in the business.

Using input from our members, in 2002 Local 51 opened the nations' premier union training facility, in East Providence, RI for plumbers, pipefitters and refrigeration technicians.

This 20,400 square foot facility boasts 28 individual welding stations, residential and commercial building mock-ups for plumbing training, and a 60-ton refrigeration "chill unit," that provide hands on experience before apprentices begin work on the job.

Our classroom computer labs allow apprentices to learn "virtual" welding before ever picking up a torch, and our distance learning center allows us to participate in classroom instruction anywhere in North America.

Any questions, please call our JATC office at 401-943-7301.